Saturday, March 29, 2008

We are ND

'Tis the season when thoughts turn to football. Our season ticket forms came today, and Michael and I will begin our ritual dance. We get our tickets together to have 4 seats in a row, and we send in the form together each year with a letter signed by "Father Driscoll" asking for better seats. It's a bit hard to complain, our seats are indeed pretty great already, but they aren't on the 50 yard line yet, so we have room to improve ;-)

We approach tickets quite differently. He has to counter my insatiable greed which would have us sell all the sets of 4 for a small fortune (even in bad years...of which this will be one). I have to counter his hospitality which would have guests in every weekend to fill the 4 seats for every game.


Unknown said...

Isn't selling ND tickets against the law, or sacrilege, or both or something?

Sue said...

Not illegal (for face value...which of course is what I do), but definite sacrilege. No doubt about it.