Friday, May 23, 2008

Subversive Aryan Neo-Nazi Conspiracy Exposed!!

The image to the left used to be the icon for my "Skeleton Action Figures" group on Seemed kinda whimsical, while showing a skeleton "in action" to speak.

Today I got a message from a guy who was offended because he thought it looked like a swastika. Really.

I thought about responding with "It's a freakin' skeleton taking a crap, you schmuck!", but opted instead to point out that mayhaps he was being a smidge overly sensitive...nevertheless, rather than be construed as anti-Semitic, I would change the icon.

It's now Lesley's ND Fighting Irish skeleton. More appropriate anyway. At least until the "are you saying all Irish are drunken dwarfs?!" emails start coming in...


Jaime said...

What he meant to say was "those incredibly shortened forearms disturb me".

I don't see it. Even when I'm trying. And I've been trying. I can kind of get there, but then it falls apart.

Sue said...

I think the forearms are shortened because they're crossed on his lap, thus adding to the evidence that "the freakin' skeleton is taking a crap" aspect.

...or preparing to start goose-stepping around the concentration camp. One of the two...