Saturday, June 28, 2008


I couldn't sleep so decided to get some busywork done. I ordered "10,000 BC" on PayPerView as background noise while I worked...and indeed, that's all it's good for. 109 minutes I'll never get back.

Wooly mammoths were used to build the pyramids, need I say more?? Talk about schlock.


Michael Homan said...

I found the movie to be about 99.2% accurate, slightly more than the 99.15% accuracy for Stargate. As a female, Sue has never hunted wooly mammoths, so she just doesn't get it and never will.

Unknown said...

Thats right Michael, I thought it was clear enough. Discovering agriculture and evading dinosaurs in the quest to depose those silly Egyptians, whats to question? Of course in my case there may have been G/Ts at 35,000 feet involved, but I'm sure that didn't cloud my judgment.

Sue said...

While I haven't hunted wooly mammoths - you are correct - I do have a sabre-toothed tiger skull. DO YOU???!!!

Other than the corn-based origins of OW agriculture, Arabs as perpetual bad guys, mammoths building the pyramids, ability to pass your life force on at a critical juncture in the movie, and the whole great-white-hunter comes to the rescue of the black folks...what's not to love??? Perhaps the advanced metallurgy 10 kya? Or the presence of the Giza pyramids (and sphinx) 10 kya?? And not to nitpick...but what's with that sacrum on the white spear??

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr Sheridan
I thought you finally understood the "nature of things" after your visit to the Creationist Museum. The truth is the wooly mammoths built the pyramids with Moses, Kind David - during the time he was a shepherd - breed the wooly mammoths down to sheep. Even before that, the dinosaurs gathered at Sodom and Gomorra for their annual migration when the fire rained down and killed them.
I'm hoping this explanation is enough to finally get me my D. Min from Notre Dame

Anonymous said...

I'm back to work this week after 14weeks of (somewhat mind-numbing) baby bonding time. Being back in the office affords me some time to catch up on important computer-related activities, including my favorite professor/cousin's blog. The cat enema saga was hysterical in a horrifying sort of way. I risk losing a finger every time our cats need a pill, so you have my utmost respect on even attempting to deal with Mazel's issues. Hope all is well in South Bend. Remember that Baltimore is only 1 hour north of DC so come visit! You have an adorable new second cousin to meet.

Sue said...

I have an adorable new second cousin to send a gift to!! Thank god Emily Post says I have a year! It, along with Nathan's graduation gift, have been sitting on my dining room table for about 2 months....thus showing how often I use my dinning room table...

On the Matzel front, if you can believe it, I still average about a query per day from someone looking up cat enema (and/or related odd information) on Google. ick!