About 2 weeks ago we decided to take off after the summer NSF program to visit the Creation Museum. Why??? Because it's there. So, I decided to use this for the 'genesis' of a blog.
LIttle did we know the fun to be had. We drove down from South Bend and met up with a friend at Cinncinati's Medical School. Anne G, Jaime U. and Alicia C. are all pictured above standing behind a dinosaur with a saddle (since they lived at the same time as humans, we needed a way to ride 'em. Duh! )

Dinosaurs abound in this $10 million dollar facility, funded in large part by Coca Cola. Above we see two velociraptors scampering near a girl washing food. Below that, an animatronic dinosaur terrorizing innocent attendees.

Noah got some serious air time at the museum, bein' as he saved all the animals for the post-flood Earth. Fortunately he remebered to include...

...the dinosaurs. Young dinosaurs, so they wouldn't take up as much room for the 40 day trip (as they explained in a panel for those who wondered). And as for all those pesky people populating the Earth?? "Let them eat salt water" is apparently the take away message.

If you want to see more pictures from this trip and/or read some of the "documentation" provided throughout the museum on topics ranging from the origin of disease, to the proper role for women, to the genetics behind Cain's wife selection, go to:
http://www.nd.edu/~sheridan/Creation/Creation Museum Trip.html
or click on the "FUN PIX" link at the top of this page (under My Links) and choose "Creation Museum Visit."
I am SOoo jealous, I've wanted to visit this scientific museum since it opened so that I too could better understand the flaws in evolution! Nice pictures, including the laser-eyed wiley!
Cool, I get a Jordan dot on my Cluster map. Shukran habibi !! The museum was fun, in a scary, lily-white, 'don't worry your pretty little head with that book learnin' sort of way...
Anthropolojest, I'm glad you opened your heart to the truths found in Genesis. The dinosaurs died in the flood though, and were not on the ark. I'm suprised they didn't know that. Moreover, thanks to the recend discoveries in Africa, we now know that Homo Hablos lived at the same time as CrowMignon and Neon Derthal, thus proving they did not evolved from oversexed monkeys.
First, we're from oversexed APES. And I don't care if you're a Bible professor, the museum said dinosaurs were on the ark, so I believe. I'm gonna call your editor for "The Bible For Dummies" and tell him we need to call your expertise into question.
Okay, I'm off to change all my "Human Evolution" lectures before the start of the semester...
"Walking with Dinosaurs" is here in Columbus at the moment. I'm hoping that doesn't mean that the show involves traveling back in time 4,000 years.
How much would you pay me if I dressed up as Noah, and welcomed all of them to my ark?
RNMF -- thanks for the French dot on my map, I look so international now. Check in again when you get home to Germany. Hope the dig is going well!!
JAIME -- I would buy you the whole 2ns season of BSG if you'd go as Noah -- and take Lesley as Methusela and Tracy as Martin Luther. Why you ask?? I can't answer that, but since they both had displays at the Creation Museum, they must have something to do with the young earth theory (probably flat-earthers too).
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