Friday, May 2, 2008

Phone Must Have

I came across this online tonight. I think I must have one!! Pink AND skulls. It's, like, perfect!

UPDATE: I found the cover on ebay for a whopping $5. I love ebay.
1519 -- Da Vinci dies at 67
1536 -- King Henry VIII accused Ann Boleyn of adultery & incest
1860 -- Theodor Herzl born
1878 -- U.S. stops minting 20 cent coin
1902 -- The 1st science fiction film, "A Trip To The Moon", is released
1994 -- Nelson Mandela was elected


Lesley said...


Jaime said...

That is pretty awesome.

Jaime said...

Wait. Given the "it's, like, perfect", what I should have said was:

OMG. That is so fierce.

Sue said...

I wish I'd thought to add OMG