Saturday, September 27, 2008

Random Bytes

My candidate, myself: Even when faced with new facts and insights, most voters don't change their minds about their favorite candidates. A neurologist explains how they might
By Robert Burton;, Sept 22, 2008
...or as I read it, how some can still support Bush and/or Palin ;-)

Paul Newman: He used his fame to give away his fortune
By Dahlia Lithwick, Sept. 27, 2008
This came as a sad surprise this morning

The Mongolia Obsession
by Tim Wu, Sept. 26, 2008
Mongolia is the next place on my "must visit" list, so get ready for more articles ;-)

Team finds Earth's 'oldest rocks'
By James Morgan, Sept 26, 2008
Pretty cool, possibly pushes things back to 4.2 billion...and counting

Spidey and Colbert Team Up, Save Earth
By Scott Thill;
September 24, 2008
Colbert is still a Presidential candidate in this world

Obama’s Science Quiz
By John Tierney, September 25, 2008
Here is the link to the Nature article: US election: Questioning the candidates

Caffeine Experts Call For Warning Labels For Energy Drinks,
Sep. 25, 2008

Once Endangered, Now Recovering
Happy primate news...and cool slideshow

Obama's brain trust: Sixty-one Nobel laureates sign a letter explaining why they support Barack Obama's run for the presidency
By Janet Raloff, September 26th, 2008
And the hits just keep on comin'...

Earth's Magnetic Field Reversals Illuminated By Lava Flows Study, Sep. 26, 2008
Pretty cool, and a phenomenon that I don't think gets enough attention in discussions of climate change

California bans texting while driving,
Sept 26, 2008
Wouldn't ya think ALL states would mandate this??

Stone Age seafood fans
By Bruce Bower, September 22nd, 2008
Neandertals munched on goodies from the Med

The art of journaling as you travel
By Rick Steves,
Sept 26, 2008
Wisdom about the importance of travel, from a travel guru


Jaime said...

We actually have a similar "must visit" spot! I had no idea.

Sue said...

Road trip!!!

Sue said...

Come to think of it, you and your parents helped me realize my lifelong dream to go to Antarctica -- so get them workin' on this one next. We'd both benefit ;-)