I got up early (in Sue-land) to watch today's "Meet the Press." Had a few minutes to kill, so watched "Face the Nation" and saw the following drivel.
I guess, if they say it with enough conviction, often enough, and on TV, then it must be true. And since this guy was a biology double major in college, he must be an expert... Lord knows we wouldn't want to call into question his grasp of the subject, or whether he was taught by reputable scholars. No, we'll just say that those who don't think intelligent design should be taught in a science class are being politically correct and brush it off as liberal thinking.
Let's hope McCain is smarter than to pick this boob as a running mate. Not that I plan to vote for McCain, but because of the message siding with these anti-intellectuals sends to the nation.
Jindal: ‘The best science’ includes intelligent design
By David Edwards
Thomas Harding Letter
4 years ago
He's governor of my state, and I support him as VP to get him out of Louisiana. Have you read his publication about an exorcism he participated in? Nutjob.
Thanks for the exorcism link. And wow. I think you should keep him. We've had enough of his type in the White House for awhile, a team that can think is due the nation.
For anyone checking out Mike's suggested post, the comments section cuts the link short. Just type "Jindal exorcism" into Google to get the right page.
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