Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Buenos Aires

** Click on any of the pictures below to see a larger version **

Ola from Buenos Aires! We took a city tour this morning for several hours, hit all the touristy places -- the Pink House where Evita gave her rally speech (sadly, my batteries were dead at that point so that'll come later when I walk back on our return day). Then to a very colorful area called La Boca to hit what is clearly the most 'cleaned up' version for tourists. Flat Stanley joined some of the stuffed locals to say hello.

This is a less sanitized view along the way:

Then on to the large cemetery - quite cool -- needless to say, my favorite part. Could've gotten lost in here for hours (which apparently does happen to people all the time). The final picture in this sequence is of a war memorial tomb, with a Matzel/Lemur like cat laying in the bottom corner. Like Jerusalem, strays abound.

And the major tourist attraction, the grave of Evita. She is in her family tomb "Duarte" (Peron is buried elsewhere) and appears at the bottom on the right side of the entryway. The last picture is of a tomb that's been open - not all of the graves are comparably cared for.

Okay, this is my last post till we come back from Antarctica. I will be keeping a journal on my palm pilot while there, and will provide daily summaries with lots and lots of pictures (and appropriate skeleton action figures) when I get back.

Bye for now. I think I'm going to go thru blogging withdrawal. It's hard to be away from your Mac for such a long period of time ;-)


Jaime said...

Ooooh - I'm painting your house mint green while you're gone. And then I'm going to paint Matzel a nice coral, Lemur baby blue, and Wiley yellow. (They want to celebrate your trip, too)

That's not something I need permission for, right?

Anonymous said...

Dear Jamie,
Do as you wish, I'm sure Sue will like the more colorful version of South Bend ... after the flood.
Dear Sue,
I heard that upon your arrival in Buenos Aires there was a major riot in the air port. According to fair and balanced Fox News, someone insulted a ticket seller and they all walked off the job causing massive delays and a riot among the passengers. Throwing stuff at the employees, etc. My question is, what did you say to make the folks so mad? On a lighter note I'm using your nun joke daily. Have fun and remember not to fall in the water.
Sven of Norway

Anonymous said...

Dear Jamie,

Jaime said...

Dear Sven,

Thank you for your concern, but shouldn't you be a bit more worried about those ever-widening fjords from melting glaciers up there in Norway, or does the fair and balanced Fox News not report on such trivial matters?


PS -- I'm getting there. I promise.