Saturday, May 17, 2008

Random Bytes

Oldest known bust of Caesar found
May 15, 2008

Platypus Looks Strange on the Inside, Too
By John Noble Wilford;, May 8, 2008

Teeth Offer Clues to Human Diet Evolution
By Melissa Lutz Blouin
09 May 2008

Weird Shrimp Has Astounding Vision
ScienceDaily; May 15, 2008

Legend of the Crystal Skulls
by Jane MacLaren Walsh
May/June 2008

Climate clues in ice
By Sid Perkins; Science; May 14th, 2008


Anonymous said...

j's dad has us watching a sci-fi show on crystal skulls tonight. the only person that sounds like she has all her marbles is the smithsonian lady in your article. some of these people are so far out there even the dad admits their thinking is questionable. none of them agrees with or wants to believe the findings of Ms. Walsh.

Sue said...

I saw the ads for the show (how could you miss 'em during Battlestar??) but I couldn't bring myself to watch it. It's pretty goofy stuff, which sadly the SciFi channel specializes in (barring BSG of course) -- right up there with "Ghost Hunters" and the numerous assorted Bermuda Triangle, UFO, and Loch Ness shows they seem to broadcast with regularity...

Jaime said...

It's kind of funny that the SciFi channel glamorizes this as possibly "real" given that "Fi" stands for a really important word in all of this!