Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Decked Out

I bought my Antarctic survival gear yesterday. EXPEN-SIVE!! I guess it is a kinda extreme environment and all, but really??? A bit eye opening. Guess I'll have to take a few Arctic trips after this to put the stuff to future use. Or ebay -- I wonder how much I can make on gear covered in penguin poop??

I did luck out on one item tho -- they recommend you bring a high quality pair of binoculars. I checked 'em out on line and they run as much as a quality camera. So I decided I'd do without. Then, last night I was having a drink with a friend who (unbeknownst to me until that moment) is an avid birder. When she retired from an Associate Dean position, the College gave her a very nice pair of binoculars. She said I can take 'em, so I'm set on that front. Now I'm debating about buying a small digital video camera...
ANTARCTICA FUN FACT: Researchers working in separate sites in Antarctica found the fossilized remains of two species of dinosaurs previously unknown to science. One is an early carnivore, the other a plant-eating 'beast' (Evidence of a "Lost World").

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