Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Seafaring Antarcticans

I've been reading a book called "Out of Antarctica" about how the people of Polynesia came from our southernmost continent. I flipped ahead and saw a chapter titled Egypt, so it should be interesting to see where that goes. Very von Daniken-esque if you ask me...

But then again, Stargate SG-1 told us years ago that the "ancients" had their base in Antarctica, so maybe this guy's on to something... That's why I'm going BTW, to find the frozen Stargate. Guess I can let that cat out of the bag ;-)

I think it's time for a daily "Antarctica Fun Fact" from now till the time I go. These are true (ie -- not from my current nightly reading source).
ANTARCTICA FUN FACT -- There's a mountain range the size of the European Alps buried under hundreds of meters of ice in Antarctica (for more information: Mountainous Mystery, Nov 15)

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